Esther Hesketh → Sculpture and Text
I think of a Moth
I am fatigued
Fast speaking women
I dance in the kitchen
Im trying to say a lot of things at once
Flustered in my dance
Simple admiration and lust for a light
Sitting in the bath
For an hour or so
When releasing the water Getting out mostly dry
When the light has faded from day to night
A dimly lit bath
In the office
Turned towards the wall
Think about the dark
Not being able to see
I am sitting in a dark room
Hearing Sound
I am drawn to its dance and flutter
The space to talk
I wonder if a fast speaking woman is one that dances in the kitchen
Ready made answers entering my imagination
Thoughts causing wobble
Entering you scorched your toes red
The water staying hot
You play with the pressure of it flowing down the plug hole
The glare of your phone screen
Lights switching off for lack of movement
The sunlight lamp glaring
Not being able to be seen
The glances
Things become amiss